Ruefully Definition in a Sentence

He sighed and ruefully gazed down the rocky mountainside to the glistening valley below.
Louise ruefully confessed she rarely tunes in to watch television these days.
Glass shards showered down on his cat that meowed ruefully at him and sulked away.
Disaster theorists will ruefully note that it has little to do with global warming.
Of course, he adds ruefully, it took him another eight months to get his head back together.
Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan, the president ruefully noted after the Cuban fiasco.
In a recent song, he ruefully concedes that his fans prefer the Shady persona.
Those stairs must have been a little more challenging than I thought, he ruefully admitted to himself.
In his most famous stage work, he took a ruefully affectionate voyage around his father.
Darcy grew calm again, and to her infuriation Lizzy thought she saw him smile ruefully.
She fiddled with the plastic spoon that was stranded in her coffee cup and smiled ruefully.
When we last heard from them, they were waxing ruefully nostalgic about their chemically wasted youth.
Last year, a rep of the phone company ruefully admitted it was stretching the truth.
I finger-tipped the last crumbs of my wafer-thin slice of cake and put the plate down, ruefully, looking with some envy at Graham finishing the last of a huge man-sized chunk.
Perhaps that name should not be felt so ruefully today, despite the reversion to authoritarian control in Egypt.
And are those words about imagined and actual accomplishments said mockingly, ruefully, or amusedly?
He ruefully acknowledged the difficulty of coming up with such an agreement.
The United Nations compound bombing and subsequent assassinations, Packer ruefully remarks, forced a change in his friends.
We can all attest to the telemarketing industry, somewhat ruefully perhaps.
With his talent for mangling meaning out of the simplest sentence, Mr Prescott ruefully admitted that he had grown used to misinterpretation.

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As Oscar Wilde said ruefully, people do not die from their debts but they do die from not being able to able to cope with them.
You can get out of any dull social event by explaining ruefully to your host that you'd love to stay but just happen to be suffering from a touch of eleutheromania and must be excused.
Those who have crossed him describe the experience ruefully.
Leadership must consist of more than the occasional good speech, as the British Conservatives may soon come ruefully to reflect.
It may have been said in jest, but a legion of Hollywood actresses would have nodded ruefully in unison.
Obligation, she ruefully reflected, was a flimsy basis for creativity.
Feeding little emperors Simplify and repeat ReprintsSurvivors of failed firms talk ruefully about what went wrong usually, overexpansion in one of two ways.
Somewhere, a no-longer-in-the-league Tebow is ruefully nodding.
Of the 12m illegal immigrants in the United States, more than half are Mexicans. As Mexicans have ruefully discovered, the two economies, not just the two peoples, are inextricably meshed.
We buy these plates and cups from the Park Slope co-op, said one popular Brooklyn hostess ruefully, that are eco-correct and dishwashable.
Touching his hair, which he said has increasingly turned gray, Mizunaga added ruefully, ''I have become soured on the mayorship.
Everybody laughed ruefully about how this was easier said than done.
Jo Ball, 47, from Sunbury, south-west of London, wearing a straw hat with a union flag tied around the brim, was ruefully watching the screen – now showing an empty court – as her friend packed up their picnic things.
He pushed his straw hat back, scratched his head, and laughed ruefully.
Somebody had scuffed his right shoe in getting out and now he pulled up the pant leg of his dark grey suit to study it ruefully.
But the cutter slipped by and left him knee-deep, looking ruefully after them.
Anthony Cleigh eyed his perfecto rather ruefully and tiptoed back to the salon.
Sanchez smiled ruefully, as he had once before, at Jan's appellation for the community.
Just then a French tourist came up and accosted us, smiling ruefully.
She drew a package from the locker and looked at it ruefully.
Not much else to do, sir, answered Kit ruefully, were gated.
He reflected for a moment, and then ruefully shook his head.
Miss Georgie laughed ruefully, and patted her pompadour absent-mindedly.
The truth was, he admitted ruefully to himself, they unnerved him.
The highwayman sat before me on the ground, ruefully handling his skull.
The knight grimaced ruefully, and begged Robin to think of his gout.
Frank ruefully narrated the Chinese proposal for the second time, and attempted to attach to it his own supplementary statement of objections and difficulties.

Ruefully Definition in a Sentence


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