what to do if my girlfriend keeps throwing up

Last dark my girlfriend confided in me that she unremarkably throws upwards nutrient later meals. She says that the idea of food existence in her breadbasket makes her sick. At first she would become into the bathroom and force herself to vomit, but now it but comes upward. She'due south been doing it a few years just she stopped, but then started once again as soon as she came to Academy.

Her reasons are that she feels fatty. But she isn't fat. I don't think she is, non at all. I like her figure and I don't want her to lose any weight at all. But no affair how much I tell her she won't listen and is adamant that she needs to lose weight and that she's unhappy with her weight. This actually upsets me and I'1000 concerned. I don't want her to lose weight, but at the finish of the twenty-four hours its her trunk and I can't stop her. She actually doesn't demand to, she's not a large girl, only I think its a mental affair. She says people have sometimes called her stubby or whatever, perchance as a joke or because they're spiteful, and that its stuck in. She says her ex-boyfriend, who was an absolute ****, told her she was fat and that she should lose weight.

I really don't know what to do. Its non healthy for her and I'one thousand really concerned. What'south the all-time thing for me to do? I've told her we'll change our diets to lighter foods rather than pizzas and macdonalds, and that afterwards I wouldn't let her go into the bathroom and throw it up, but she says it won't work because its non stoppable.

You lot sound similar a really caring boyfriend. The all-time thing to practise is to encourage her to see her GP nigh information technology - remind her that although what she is doing is a short-term ready and takes away the guilt after eating, she can't live her whole life like this and the sooner she tries to resolve her self esteem and guilt issues the sooner she can enjoy a healthy purge-gratis life.

It's good that she has confided in y'all - that's the starting time footstep towards admitting to herself that she can't sort this out on her own.

If its not stoppable then this might exist dangerous. I know a girl who went through the same affair, now she is extremely fatty although she eats almost nothing!! this condition is called something, i deceit retrieve of the name. Its very unhealthy...

Thank you for the replies.
Yeah, I love her to bits and I want to help her. I just don't know how I can help her... If I assist her lose weight, then I guess that will make her happy, but I desire her to be able to be happy at her own weight. She says she will be happier and more confident if she lost weight. I'm not certain what's the right affair to practise :-/

I'll talk to her about going to her GP when I next see her.

Wow, information technology brings a tear to my eye how caring yous are. My boyfriend dumped me 4 days agone. He don't care that I have been depressed for the past few months :/

(Original post by legaliseddealer)
Wow, information technology brings a tear to my eye how caring you are. My beau dumped me 4 days ago. He don't intendance that I have been depressed for the past few months :/

Sorry to hear that :-/ I've got low as well and I'k medicated for information technology. I told my girlfriend all about it and she understands and doesn't really care . I'1000 really lucky. She hasn't told anyone else virtually her eating problem. I'm guessing she felt comfortable telling me because of the amount of personal stuff I've told her.

(Original post past Anonymous)
Sorry to hear that :-/ I've got depression too and I'thousand medicated for information technology. I told my girlfriend all about it and she understands and doesn't really care . I'm actually lucky. She hasn't told anyone else nigh her eating problem. I'm guessing she felt comfortable telling me considering of the amount of personal stuff I've told her.

Your a actually lucky boy. There arn't many guys similar yous out there and I hope I see someone else just as caring. Guys tend to get scared off if you confide in them about mental health things. :/

(Original post by Anonymous)
Thanks for the replies.
Yeah, I dearest her to bits and I want to assistance her. I just don't know how I can help her... If I help her lose weight, then I approximate that will brand her happy, but I want her to be able to be happy at her ain weight. She says she volition be happier and more confident if she lost weight. I'k not sure what'south the right thing to practice :-/

I'll talk to her virtually going to her GP when I next run into her.

Usually ED'south arn't really about losing weight, it's an addiction, it's nearly the control of being able to restrict or purge.

You should just go on encouraging her to speak to her GP, offering to come with her, talk about maybe having therapy to aid her bargain with the thought of food in her tum. You're a supportive guy, I hope you lot both get through this.

(Original post by Mayden)
Usually ED'southward arn't actually nearly losing weight, information technology's an habit, it's about the control of being able to restrict or purge.

You should just keep encouraging her to speak to her GP, offer to come up with her, talk almost mayhap having therapy to aid her bargain with the thought of food in her stomach. You lot're a supportive guy, I hope yous both get through this.

not really. it's a fear of getting fat. how is that an addiction?

(Original post by Anonymous)
not really. it's a fear of getting fat. how is that an habit?

I observe it quite tough to explain, but quite a lot of people who have ED'due south started because of 'worrying about weight' and then it developed into an addiction, they were so addicted to the control they got from the ED, addicted to the way it made them feel when they lost X more pounds/purged. It'due south very much and so a beloved/hate relationship.

ED is essentially a form of cocky harm, which is addictive to a lot of people.

I'm being very flippant most this considering I don't really have a lot of energy atm. I'm not an insensitive tool with ED's/SH merely fyi.

She has an eating disorder, there's no dubiety about it. I think she really needs to run across a medico because she could brand herself very very sick. It's really not a case of 'wanting to lose a bit of weight' it seems like information technology has developed into a serious mental issue, not something you can just snap out of. She needs to see someone, for her own good; don't wait until something happens considering past then it could be likewise late.

(Original mail service by aysha.19)
If its not stoppable then this might be dangerous. I know a girl who went through the same thing, now she is extremely fat although she eats well-nigh nothing!! this condition is called something, i cant remember of the proper noun. Its very unhealthy...


Unfortunately, my mum has the same problem OP. I understand what you are going through.

(Original post by legaliseddealer)
Wow, information technology brings a tear to my eye how caring you are. My young man dumped me 4 days ago. He don't care that I have been depressed for the past few months :/

Mine did it not fifty-fifty two weeks before xmas which she knew was going to be an atrocious time for me anyway.

I establish out she was cheating on me as well.

(Original post by Anonymous)
Mine did it not even two weeks before xmas which she knew was going to be an awful time for me anyway.

I found out she was cheating on me likewise.

Ah no. How are you coping. I only ended up contacting my ex and have gone dorsum into relapse style. I was stable, at present I'm BADDDDD again. Ah :/

Wait, we're better than them and much stronger

(Original post by Mayden)
Usually ED'southward arn't actually about losing weight, it's an addiction, it's virtually the command of being able to restrict or purge.

Y'all should only keep encouraging her to speak to her GP, offering to come with her, talk almost maybe having therapy to help her deal with the idea of food in her stomach. You're a supportive guy, I hope you both get through this.

Aye she told me information technology was an obsession. She said that she started when she came to University because she had 'control over what she ate'... I really desire to help her but I feel helpless. I realise its non something you can just convince someone to snap out of, because its how she sees it and no amount of assuring her she looks fine is going to modify things. I'm going to suggest going to the doctor. If she says no, then what practise I exercise? Keep telling her she needs to go? I don't desire to seem too forward and end up falling out over information technology, but and then again I tin't but leave it. I'll only worry all of the time. I really don't want her to lose weight, I like her effigy, its nice. Just at the end of the twenty-four hours, for her, its non about how I come across her or how anyone else sees her, its about how she sees herself and there's no way of irresolute her perspective of herself.

I think you should engourage her to see a councellor to adress how she thinks of her torso, information technology seems similar its mental, though if she really deceit stop herself from being ill it may besides accept physical roots similar a stomach ulser or something would get a trip to the GP and meet what they recommend, its great you really treat her and that y'all tin can talk things through

(Original post by legaliseddealer)
Your a actually lucky male child. There arn't many guys like you out there and I hope I meet someone else but as caring. Guys tend to become scared off if you confide in them about mental health things. :/

you're quoting the OP who is conspicuously in a relationship . . . . :facepalm:

(Original post past Nil-j-c)
you're quoting the OP who is clearly in a relationship . . . . :facepalm:

And? Did yous misread what she said. I don't really understand what you mean?

She'due south a Bullimic, and needs help, Bullimia causes a lot more problems than fixes them, think of all the important ions in your body that you need, that arent absorbered, Ca2+, Na+, K+ are but a few (along with all other deficiency based diseases that tin can occur, anaemia etc) Simply without these vital ions, more serious things (not excluding a heart assail + kidney failure) can happen.

Get her arse downward a physician! If she loves you lot, she'll cheers for it in a few days time. If she still wants to diet, but cut down the carbs and calories, and do more exercise, force the trunk to fire the fatty as a energy source.

This sounds like Bulimia. It is continued eating-purging cycles which can stop and offset. It causes rima oris and pharynx problems from the breadbasket acrid constantly existence brought up, and can deprive the body of electrolytes and important nutrients, which tin can in turn lead to the center stopping or kidney failure. Equally y'all can see, it's very dissentious, but information technology will probably accept a lot of encouragement for her to see a GP considering she is probably embarrassed about the problem or feels every bit if she's got it under control. You're existence very supportive. Brand certain you propose seeing a GP, but don't force her to practise anything she doesn't experience comfortable with. At the end of the day, she has to make the decision herself.

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